Technical Articles

Azure VM Utilising Azure Key Vault for SSH Key Authentication

In this article we will demonstrate how we can leverage Azure Key Vault for managing SSH keys to access our Azure Virtual Machines. It is always a challenge as to how we manage secure information especially private keys,...

Automated Deployment – Azure VM Scale Sets with Updates

In this article we will cover off Azure VM Scale Sets (VMSS) and how we can leverage them to automatically deploy/scale our web applications. To make this more usable to deploy our custom applications, we will leverage A...

Azure – Ansible Deploy Kubernetes Cluster using Resource Group Templates

In this article we will show the process to deploy a simple Kubernetes cluster on Azure using Kubespray and Azure Resource Group Templates. All commands will be running using Azure CLI via the Azure Cloud Shell. For a pr...

AWS Contact Form Serverless Lambda Function API Gateway Front End via CLI

In this post we will demonstrate how we can create a simple Contact form on Amazon S3 by deploying an Amazon Serverless Function using AWS Lambda fronted by Amazon API Gateway that will use Amazon SES (Simple Email Servi...

AWS Automated Vulnerability Assessment – AWS

AWS Automated Vulnerability Assessment Using Nikto – Fargate+ECS Container Cluster using Lambda+API Gateway+DynamoDB The task of maintaining an up to date and secure web platform can be challenging. Vulnerabilit...

Deploying Red Hat OpenShift Origin on Azure in minutes!

Out of the box, OpenShift will give you a production ready solution for deploying containers at scale and tooling to easily integrate your CI/CD pipelines.  This article aims to demonstrate a quick to deploy Open...

Azure – Running Ansible Playbooks using Azure Cloud Shell

This article is an extension to our previous primer on using Azure Cloud Shell – Azure CLI Primer – Azure Cloud Shell This article aims to unlock the power of Ansible within Azure Cloud Shell. In the previous artic...

Security Hardening Linux Systems with OpenSCAP

This article will cover off the basics of SCAP (Security Content Automation Protocol) and using OpenSCAP to Harden our Linux based OS. We will show you how easy it is to proactively scan and lock down our systems to ensu...

Eclipse Development using Docker (Mac OS) – LAMP Stack

In this blog I will show you how easy it is to test code locally when using Eclipse IDE on a Mac. Rather than converting our local machine into a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server, we will use the power of Docker t...

Using LDIFDE to export/import Active Directory

Need to migrate a Active Directory from your current domain to a completely new domain? This can be daunting task which I will advise how simple it can really be by using a couple of simple tools. We will be using LDIFDE...